Monday, November 6, 2023

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, AI, is a new user interface to the computer.  Large language models (LLMs) make the computer easier to use.  They permit us to describe the result that we want in natural language. improving productivity and enabling new applications.  AI will improve intellectual productivity as much as the internal combustion did for manual productivity.  In response to internal combustion, and more specifically the tractor,  we shortened the work week from 72 hours to 44 and invented vacations and retirement.  In the process, we killed off two generations of young men and still suffered 25% unemployment.  Said another way, increases in productivity are disruptive.  

The computer, with or without AI, is a tool.  Tools vary in quality, utility, usability, and use.  The user is responsible for the selection of the tool, the purpose to which it is put, and for all the properties of the result.  This is true whether the user is an individual or a group.  An enterprise must be responsible and accountable for everything that results from its application of this powerful technology. We call this security and we forget any part of it at our peril. We must not impute authority or autonomy to the tool; we must not anthropomorphize the tool.  "The craftsman does not blame his tools."  We must hold people accountable for how we use this powerful new tool.  

In the near term we should focus on embedded application specific implementations of AI.  We should follow the example of IBM, a pioneer in the field.  IBM trains the engine, think Watson, on application specific curated data; they build in governance and transparency from the ground up.

Public policy must soften the impact of the disruption.  This will include shortening the work week to spread the work and the leisure.  It should include a guaranteed minimum income to ease transition from old jobs and skills to new ones.  Finally, it should include changes in tax policy from labor to capital, people to robots, and production to consumption, to more securely and equitably finance the social safety net.  

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